Spiritual Warfare, Relationships and our Authority in Christ.

Relationships are the currency of Heaven. They're what matter most in this life and the next. And that's exactly why the enemy seeks to attack them. He knows that if he can divide us from God, fracture our families, isolate us from the body of Christ, and neutralize our witness to the world, he can wreak havoc.

But praise God, we are not ignorant of the devil's schemes! We have the victory in Jesus, and we can fight back through the power of prayer and submission to God.

Recently, I had the privilege of unpacking this topic in depth on the Passion & Purpose podcast with my good friend Mick. We explored the four key battlegrounds the enemy targets:

1. Our relationship with God

2. Our marriage and family

3. Our covenant with the body of Christ

4. Our witness to the world

We talked about the weapons the enemy uses - deception, accusation, lies, and destruction. But more importantly, we dove into the authority we have in Christ to overcome. When we get under the "dome" of God's covering through humility, repentance, and surrender, the enemy has no choice but to flee.

Friend, if you're facing an attack in any of these areas, I want to encourage you - you are not powerless. You can fight back through fervent, faith-filled prayer. You can speak the promises of God over your family. You can join together with brothers and sisters to push back the darkness. You can experience freedom and victory, because Jesus has already won.

I know this teaching will be a game-changer for you, like it has been for me. So I'm inviting you to join Mick and I on this journey. Carve out some time, put in your earbuds, and let the truth of God's Word strengthen you for the battle. I believe you'll walk away empowered and equipped to take your stand.

Remember, the enemy is defeated, and we are more than conquerors. Let's link arms and fight the good fight together!

Your brother in Christ,


P.S. - After you listen, I'd love to hear how God spoke to you. Hit reply and share your thoughts with me. I'm believing for breakthroughs and testimonies as we lean into this together!


Spiritual Warfare and our Witness in the World.


Spiritual Warfare & Family