The Passion & Purpose Weekly
Sign up, and every Friday morning, I will send you a fresh testimony, teaching or tool to feed your passion for Jesus and for His purposes in the earth. You can read past editions of The Passion & Purpose Weekly below.

Navigating Your 20’s With Godly Purpose

How To Have A Great Summer

Spiritual Warfare and our Witness in the World.

Spiritual Warfare and Relationships

Spiritual Warfare & Family

On Spiritual Warfare

Building Family

Enduring Storms

On Accountability

Cultivating My Prayer Life.
Here are some lessons I have learned and continue to learn about cultivating my prayer life:

My Morning Routine
After forty years of helping people grow a passion for Jesus, I have found that people’s morning routines are huge in setting the day off on the right foot. In this week’s resource, I share about my own morning routine and what I am doing these times in the secret place with the Lord.

Beauty for Ashes
One of the amazing things the Lord does in our lives is that He takes our ashes and in His grace and love makes them into something beautiful.